Zoe Rayne's Diary - 3

Zoe Rayne's Diary - 3

Zoe Rayne's Diary - 3

There's a group that opposes ours, stationed a little ways away from where we live.

They don't like the way we sell Pals and use weapons.

Our group sneers at them and calls them the Free Pal Alliance. We're always fighting with them for no reason at all.

If I stop and think about it, I bet they're not bad people if they love Pals that much.

I asked one of the guys who's been around a long time about it, but he said it was complicated.

Apparently our group has been around for a long time, and we've always been fighting with those FPA guys.

He said he doesn't know the real reason behind it, but we've been fighting so long that there's no hope of ever getting along.

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