Palworld Pals

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How to Use the Palworld Breeding Combos & Calculator


Select Your Pal

Select extensive Pal or use the search function to find your desired Pal.


Choose Your Fusion Pair

Choose two to select them for breeding. Or just click 'Random' to select two random Pal.


Create Your Fusion

Wait for Palworld breeding and witness the breeding of a new Pal


Explore the Results

View the stats, possible drops, work suitability, and skills of your breeding Pal.

What is Palworld Breeding Combos & Calculator

The Palworld Breeding Combos & Calculator is a specialized tool tailored for Palworld enthusiasts, providing an interactive platform to delve into the intricate world of Pal breeding. With access to the extensive database of 138 unique Pals, users can experiment with various combinations, blending traits from two parent Pals to create innovative and imaginative fusions. Beyond mere functionality, the calculator serves as a dynamic playground, inviting players to explore the boundless potential of the Palworld ecosystem and unleash their creativity through endless breeding possibilities.

Features of Palworld Breeding Combos & Calculator

Comprehensive Palworld Database

  • Extensive Selection: Access to a full database of 138 Pals in game.
  • Detailed Information: Each Pal comes with complete details, including pals elements, abilities, rarirty and stats.

User-Friendly Interface

  • Easy Navigation: Designed for ease of use, allowing users to quickly select and fuse pals.
  • Visual Display: The calculator provides a visual representation of both the parent Pal and the resulting Pal.
  • History Tracking: The calculator keeps a record of the user's fusion history, click on the history button to view them.

How Palworld Breeding Works

Breeding mechanics in Palworld are straightforward: each Pal possesses a concealed 'breeding power' value ranging from 10 to 1500. The rarity or strength of a Pal is inversely proportional to its breeding power; hence, lower numbers denote greater rarity or power. To ascertain the offspring's power level, the breeding powers of both parent Pals are averaged:

Floor((Parent1Power + Parent2Power + 1) / 2) = Baby Power

Simplified: To determine the offspring's power level, add the breeding powers of both parents and then add 1. Divide this sum by 2 and round down to the nearest whole number

In the breeding process, the game selects the Pal with the breeding power closest to the calculated average for the offspring. For instance, if the offspring's power is determined to be 1015, and the closest values are 1010 (Felbat) and 1020 (Robinquill), the game will choose Robinquill as the parent. In case of a tie, where the calculated power falls equidistant between two Pals, the tiebreaker is determined by the order of appearance in the game file's index. In this scenario, since Robinquill precedes Felbat in the game files, it takes precedence and becomes the selected parent.

The breeding process ensures that the offspring's power level cannot surpass that of the strongest or rarest parent. For instance, if the starting parents have powers of 570 (Anubis) and 1460 (Cattiva) the result will be the following: Floor((570 + 1460 + 1) / 2) = 1015 (Robinquill).

If you then bred that baby at 1015 with your starting 570 Anubis:

Floor((570 + 1015 + 1) / 2) = 793 --> Arsox at 795.

If you continue this multiple times:

  • Floor((570 + 795 + 1) / 2) = 683 --> Univolt at 680
  • Floor((570 + 680 +1) / 2) = 625 --> Bushi at 625
  • Floor((570 + 625 +1) / 2) = 598 --> Incineram at 590
  • Floor((570+ 590 +1) / 2) = 580 --> Anubis at 570
  • From here you will continue to get only Anubis.

As you can see you can get closer and closer to your 570 Anubis with each generation but you can never breed something stronger/rarer.But this also shows you can take one strong/rare Pal and breed it with its offspring and quickly start making Pals near that strength.


Gender doesn't matter so long as you have one male and one female to start the breeding process.However, the odds of a Pal being male or female differs between some of the Pals. All Pals have a 50% (equal) chance to be male or female, with the exception of the following:

NumberNameMale Probability (%)
89Ice Kingpaca90
104Lyleen Noct30

Special Combinations:

There are 28 special combinations that do not use the breeding power method to determine the result.These Pals can only be bred using these exact combinations and will not show up through normal breeding or with any other combos.

Parent 1Parent 2Result
RelaxaurusSparkitRelaxaurus Lux
IncineramMaraithIncineram Noct
MauPengulletMau Cryst
VanwyrmFoxcicleVanwyrm Cryst
EikthyrdeerHangyuEikthyrdeer Terra
ElphidranSurfentElphidran Aqua
PyrinKatressPyrin Noct
MammorestWumpoMammorest Cryst
MossandaGrizzboltMossanda Lux
DinossomRayhoundDinossom Lux
JolthogPengulletJolthog Cryst
FrostallionHelzephyrFrostallion Noct
KingpacaReindrixIce Kingpaca
LyleenMenastingLyleen Noct
LeezpunkFlambelleLeezpunk Ignis
BlazehowlFelbatBlazehowl Noct
RobinquillFuddlerRobinquill Terra
BroncherryFuackBroncherry Aqua
SurfentDumudSurfent Terra
GobfinRoobyGobfin Ignis
SuzakuJormuntideSuzaku Aqua
ReptyroFoxcicleIce Reptyro
HangyuSweeHangyu Cryst